Let me say publicly that DonBoy’s answer exudes a combination of intuitive genius and confidence that make me think DonBoy is going to do big things in his life. -- Steven D. Levitt (Freakonomics blog)
Sunday, September 12, 2004
The Children of 9/11

Marianne Fitzpatrick knew her children would ask many questions, and no matter how hard it is to answer them, she always tries. One recent summer day, it was she who began the conversation that is now a central theme of their lives.

"Where is Daddy?"

"Daddy's in heaven," answered 3-year-old Caralyn, her blue eyes watching for an approving nod.

"How do you get to heaven?"

"Somebody kills you," answered Brendan.
Despite that, not as unremittingly grim as you might think.

Saturday, September 11, 2004
Metaphor for the US in Iraq?

From Time's piece on Manhattan, 3 years later:
Months after 9/11, even survivors who weren't injured became physically ill. "I'd have high fevers. I'd go to the hospital. They couldn't figure it out," says Elia Zedeno, a financial analyst. One day, Zedeno saw a man run by her on the street, and without thinking, she started running behind him. "Then I realized no one else was running," she says.

Sunday, September 05, 2004
Imagine the Letters They Don't Quote

K-Lo at The Corner:


"I don't know much of anything about the science of polling or how reputable Time's number-crunchers are, but I do feel I know something about Time. Is there any chance they are intentionally inflating Bush's lead on the theory that when things almost certainly tighten they'll be able to pitch it that Kerry is riding a tidal wave of momentum to the finish? "

That's from today (Sunday) at 3:06. Reader and/or Lopez are behind: they're supposed to have moved along to "No, the Newsweek poll proves that the Time poll is right!"

Anyway, if Time's going to lie in Kerry's favor, why wouldn't they just inflate his numbers all the time? Talk about the paranoid style in politics.

Maybe Lopez should listen to Barbara Comstock, a mere 3 Corner-posts later:
It's amazing how desperate Dems have to attribute a Republican ahead in the polls to some type of sinister Manchurian candidate subliminal plot...

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